XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
09 Jun - 13 Jun 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
15 Sep - 19 Sep 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

In today’s digital information economy, data and information play a more vital role in governments and organisations than ever before. Accordingly, a practical information and documentation management system is used to create, capture, categorise, manage, store, preserve (archive) and dispose of information. In compliance with critical regulatory and business standards audit and legislative requirements, the information and documentation management system leverages authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability across the board.

Data and information are the backbone of any digital transformation programme. As more and more digital technologies are adopted, the volume of data, information, records and documents will skyrocket exponentially, presenting general data protection regulations and information audits as critical requirements for success in today’s highly competitive milieu.

This 5-day practical Information and Documentation Compliance Masterclass training course aims to highlight strategies, concepts, tools, processes and technologies used to manage the massively growing influx of information and documents in accordance with key compliance and audit. It will also offer tools and best-in-class practices that aim to provide high-value and reusable digital data and information to increase transparency and foster innovation through collaboration, enabling a data-driven economy.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Appreciate the role of the documentation management system
  • Familiarise with key business and regulatory standards
  • Recognise the lifecycle of a record
  • Apply information security management 
  • Develop awareness of the types of data within an enterprise
  • Improve information & document compliance and audit skills
Training Approach

This training course will utilise various proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information and innovative methods presented, including presentation of theoretical concepts, team and individual exercises, case study analyses, educational videos and real-life applications. Participants in this training course will receive thorough training on the subjects covered by the seminar outline. 

The delegates will also learn how to develop a modern information and documentation management system for their enterprise. They will also conduct lab exercises addressing information legislative, compliance and audit requirements.

The Attendees

The success of Information and Documentation Compliance in any organisation will involve people from several disciplines. This training course is equally relevant to those involved in the broader application of data and information management and those Senior figures and Executives. It is designed for those who might be new to this discipline and will serve as useful building blocks for those already active in this area.

Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Data and Information Managers
  • Audit and Compliance Officers
  • Business and Government Leaders
  • All Engineering Disciplines
  • Safety and Security officers
  • Cybersecurity Analysts
  • Services and Field Operators
  • Planning and Business Analysts
  • Office Staff
  • Professionals in Data Management, Information Technology, and Operational Technology
  • Professionals who want to develop Documentation Management Skills
Daily Discussion


  • Strategies and Procedures
  • Information Quality Management
  • Record Management
  • Information Security
  • Storage & Filing


  • Information Security Management System
  • General Data Protection Regulation
  • Document Control
  • Risk Management Matrix
  • Organisational Aspects


  • Roots of the Challenge
  • Digital Signatures
  • Integrated Security
  • International and National Laws
  • Key Management Lifecycle
  • Crisis Management Planning


  • Data Complexity
  • New Workplace Realities
  • Implementation Plan
  • Data Types within an Enterprise
  • Data Architecture


  • Management of Master and Reference Data
  • Management of Data Quality
  • Data Warehousing Management
  • Project Assignment
  • Project Design and Optimisation