Date Venue Fee
19 Aug - 23 Aug 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
11 Nov - 15 Nov 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

The importance of energy policy design in future energy planning cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of sustainable development, economic growth, and environmental stewardship. Well-crafted energy policies serve as the blueprint for transitioning to cleaner and more efficient energy systems, mitigating the impact of climate change, and ensuring energy security. In an era characterised by rapid technological advancements and a global shift towards renewable energy sources, effective policy design provides the framework to harness these innovations, facilitating the integration of diverse energy resources.

Moreover, energy policies influence investment decisions, driving the development of infrastructure for clean energy production and distribution. A strategic and forward-thinking approach to energy policy design is essential for creating resilient, adaptive energy ecosystems that meet the growing demands of societies while addressing the imperative of reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices for the benefit of current and future generations.

This 5-day Energy Policy Capstone Project training course is a comprehensive programme designed to empower professionals, researchers, and policy makers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of energy policy. Delegates will embark on a journey that delves into the foundational principles of energy policy, exploring historical perspectives, current trends, and the pivotal role of government interventions. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on practical applications, equipping attendees with analytical tools for data interpretation, scenario analysis, and modelling, essential for robust policy formulation.

An interdisciplinary approach will be fostered, integrating insights from economics, political science, environmental science, and engineering. Sessions will tackle policy challenges, from formulation to implementation, addressing economic considerations, environmental sustainability, and the intricacies of effective communication in the energy sector. The course culminates in a capstone project workshop, providing hands-on experience for participants to apply their acquired knowledge in developing realistic and impactful energy policy proposals. By the end of the training, attendees will be equipped to contribute meaningfully to energy policy decision-making.

Core Objectives

This training course provides practical insights for real-world energy diplomacy scenarios, emphasizing the integration of sustainable practices. Delegates will discuss the ethical dimensions of energy policies, explore the strategic implications of energy security, and develop essential skills for effective energy diplomacy, including conflict resolution, communication strategies, and stakeholder engagement. 

 The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand deeply energy diplomacy and its significance in international relations
  • Explore the nexus between energy security and national security, emphasizing strategies for conserving energy resources
  • Know the ethical dimensions of energy policies with a focus on justice, fairness, and sustainable development
  • Foster the development of practical skills for engaging in energy diplomacy, conflict resolution, and policy formulation
  • Provide a platform for networking and collaboration among professionals in the energy sector and international relations
Training Approach

This training course is delivered in a classroom or virtual environment and uses a blended learning approach that combines theoretical knowledge, practical information, and interactive participation. Specific examples and case studies of renewable energy applications are integrated to illustrate professional experiences and contextualise key concepts. Interactive discussions, group activities, and question-and-answer sessions promote delegates' engagement, while periodic assessments assess levels of understanding. This methodical approach delivers a dynamic and informative learning experience, helping delegates make informed decisions about dealing with energy diplomacy components.

The Attendees

This training course is a diverse range of professionals, from government officials and policymakers to energy industry experts and environmental advocates, creating a collaborative space to share innovative ideas and solutions. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and workshops, delegates will collectively envision a future of energy diplomacy that prioritises security, justice, and sustainability. 

Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Government Officials and Policymakers
  • Energy Industry Professionals
  • Diplomats and Foreign Affairs Specialists
  • Environmental Advocates
  • Professionals involved in Sustainable Development Initiatives
Daily Discussion


  • Concepts and Significance
  • Historical Evolution
  • Global Players and Institutions
  • Successful Energy Diplomacy
  • Simulating Energy Diplomacy Negotiations


  • Indicators and Strategies
  • Geopolitical Implications
  • National Security Considerations
  • Technological Innovations for Security
  • Regional Energy Security Challenges 


  • Equitable Resource Distribution
  • Social and Economic Dimension
  • Environmental Impact
  • Justice in Renewable Energy Projects
  • Balancing Interests in Diplomacy


  • Emerging Technologies in Energy
  • Climate Change Impacts on Energy Diplomacy
  • Global Collaborations for Sustainable Development
  • Role of Innovation in Shaping Energy Policies
  • Crafting a Sustainable Vision for Energy Diplomacy


  • Conflict Resolution and Communication Strategies
  • Policy Formulation for Sustainable Energy Practices
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation
  • Developing Practical Energy Diplomacy Skills
  • Interactive Scenario Analyses