XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024 Barcelona - Spain $ 5,950 Register Now
04 Aug - 08 Aug 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
27 Oct - 31 Oct 2025 Barcelona - Spain $ 5,950 Register Now
About the Course

Nowadays, Corporate Diplomacy has become a useful and strategic tool not only for those people who lead public/private institutions or enterprises but also for the human capital involved. Words such as "leadership, image, and power" are closely related to this 21st century new concept. As a result, the corporate diplomat will be liable for strengthening the institution's identity and image, which they leads using "credibility and transparency” in every context: institutional, international, business, and social.

This 5-day Corporate Diplomacy training course is divided into five main sessions. Each session will develop the key concepts through theory and visual support so that every delegate can analyse the importance of corporate diplomacy and the "corporate diplomat" figure in every context. Corporate diplomacy becomes an accurate model to follow in a world influenced by international relationships. Hence, knowing how to communicate and use the image and actions with strategy is essential.

Our image, our verbal and nonverbal communication, our knowledge of protocol techniques—even our good manners—are considered our best letters of introduction when we negotiate or relate to other institutions and organisations. Mastering corporate diplomacy is a synonym for leadership and strategy, a leadership that also focuses on success through public and digital diplomacy.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Value the importance of corporate diplomacy in the 21st century
  • Identify the power of image in business, institutional, and international contexts
  • Know how to communicate using actions and images with a strategy
  • Know how to interact and relate efficiently with our environment
  • Keep the identity and image of the organisation we lead in every context
  • Communicate with credibility, coherence, and transparency
  • Become a corporate diplomat in institutional, international, and negotiation relationships
Training Approach

This training course uses a participatory and collaborative methodology, with the delegates as the main protagonists. It aims to develop practical knowledge of the importance of the 21st century corporate diplomat as a model and inspiration for institutional and international relationships.

The Attendees

This training course is for professionals who lead public and private institutions, organisations, or enterprises and become models for the human capital involved and the international community. In this sense, it is fully addressed to those people closely related to the business and institutional world.

Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • CEOs and Presidents of Enterprise
  • The Cabinet
  • HR Managers
  • Businesswomen and Businessmen
  • General Management
  • Department of Institutional and International Relationships
Daily Discussion


  • Definition and Key Concepts
  • Characteristics of Corporate Diplomacy
  • Benefits of Corporate Diplomacy
  • The Corporate Diplomat
  • Competences of a Corporate Diplomat
  • Corporate Diplomacy in the 21st Century
  • Emotional and Strategic Intelligence


  • Introduction to Business Protocol
  • The Greeting
  • Presentations
  • Business Cards
  • Good Manners in Business
  • Presidence and Precedence
  • Receptions and Farewells
  • Public and Digital Diplomacy
  • Intercultural Diplomacy


  • The Image and The Power: The Message
  • Persuasive Verbal Communication
  • Non-verbal Communication: Our Body Talks
  • Social Protocol
  • Strategy in Meetings and Negotiations
  • Tables for Negotiation
  • Behaviour in Business Lunch


  • The Importance of the Image – First Impression
  • The First Five Minutes
  • Qualities of a Good Personal Image
  • Image in Business
  • Dress Code for Businesswomen and Men
  • Colour Psychology
  • Social Behaviour
  • Digital Corporate Strategic Communication


  • Importance of Public Diplomacy and Characteristics
  • Components of a Public Diplomat in the 21st Century
  • Main Features of Digital Diplomacy
  • Characteristics of Digital Corporate Communication
  • Importance of a “Plan of a Digital Strategic Communication”
  • Strategic Image in Both Public and Digital Diplomacy
  • Common Errors