Date Venue Fee
11 Nov - 15 Nov 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
05 May - 09 May 2025 Oslo - Norway $ 5,950 Register Now
07 Jul - 11 Jul 2025 Tokyo - Japan $ 5,950 Register Now
01 Sep - 05 Sep 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
10 Nov - 14 Nov 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

Climate change presents a pressing challenge that affects all sectors of the global economy, demanding a robust approach to risk management. As organisations grapple with the impacts of climate change, they face a complex array of regulatory requirements, emission targets, and stakeholder expectations. The Climate Change Risk Management Masterclass is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to navigate these challenges effectively. It provides a deep dive into the critical aspects of climate risk management. It focuses on practical strategies and cutting-edge practices organisations can implement to mitigate risks and capitalise on opportunities.

Understanding and adapting to climate regulations is essential for organisational success. Delegates will explore how to analyse changing regulations critically, assess organisational performance in meeting these requirements, and develop strategies to ensure compliance. It explores the details of carbon management, including the concepts of Net Zero and Carbon Neutral, carbon trading schemes, and carbon accounting. By gaining proficiency in these areas, delegates will be better prepared to contribute to their organisation’s sustainability goals and regulatory adherence.

Effective climate risk management requires advanced decision-making skills and a comprehensive understanding of stakeholder dynamics. It emphasizes the development of qualitative and quantitative scenario analysis, enabling professionals to establish financial materiality thresholds and align them with risk appetite and tolerance. Furthermore, delegates will enhance their decision-making capabilities by learning to engage with internal and external stakeholders, fostering meaningful actions that drive tangible changes addressing the crucial issue of greenwashing, providing strategies to identify, prevent, and combat misleading climate claims, and ensuring organisational integrity and authenticity in environmental reporting.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Analyse changing regulatory requirements related to climate change and evaluate the effectiveness of various organisational responses in meeting these regulations
  • Understand the concepts of Net Zero, Carbon Neutrality, and carbon trading schemes, and develop a comprehensive knowledge of carbon accounting practices
  • Develop both qualitative and quantitative scenario analysis techniques to assess climate change impacts, establishing financial materiality thresholds linked to organizational risk appetite and tolerance
  • Enhance decision-making capabilities by evaluating how internal and external stakeholders influence climate change strategies and implementing strategies that lead to tangible organisational changes
  • Identify and counteract greenwashing tactics by devising strategies to ensure transparency and authenticity in climate-related communications and reporting
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current climate risk management practices within organisations and recommend improvements based on industry best practices
  • Apply climate risk management principles to real-world scenarios to develop actionable strategies for managing and mitigating climate-related risks
Training Approach

This training course will combine interactive lectures with practical workshops to ensure delegates grasp and apply the theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios. They will engage in group discussions and case studies to deepen their understanding and collaborate on developing effective climate change risk management strategies. Hands-on activities and role-playing exercises will further reinforce learning and enable delegates to effectively address and solve climate-related challenges.

The Attendees

This training course is designed for professionals actively involved in managing, analysing, and strategising around climate change risks and sustainability challenges. It includes experts from environmental management, corporate responsibility, regulatory compliance, and policy-making sectors. These professionals are seeking to enhance their skills in climate change risk management and implement effective strategies within their organisations.

Likewise, it will be suitable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Environmental Risk Managers
  • Sustainability Consultants
  • Climate Change Analysts
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Managers
  • Environmental Compliance Officers
  • Regulatory Affairs Specialists
  • Financial Risk Analysts
  • Project Managers in Environmental and Sustainability Projects
  • Policy Makers and Government Officials
  • Senior Executives in Industries Impacted by Climate Change
Daily Discussion


  • Overview of Climate Change Regulatory Requirements
  • Comparative Analysis of Global and Regional Climate Regulations
  • Strategies for Complying with Emerging Climate Regulations
  • Evaluating Organisational Performance in Meeting Regulatory Standards
  • Risk Management Approaches for Regulatory Compliance
  • Developing a Compliance Framework Aligned with Climate Goals
  • Regulatory Changes and Future Requirements


  • Introduction to Emissions
  • Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality – Definitions and Implications
  • Overview of Carbon Trading Schemes
  • Carbon Accounting: Methods and Standards
  • Emission Reduction Targets and Strategies
  • Impact of Emissions on Business Operations and Strategy
  • Developing an Emission Reduction Plan for Organisations


  • Qualitative Scenario Analysis: Techniques and Applications
  • Quantitative Scenario Analysis: Tools and Methodologies
  • Establishing Financial Materiality Thresholds for Climate Risks
  • Linking Financial Materiality to Risk Appetite and Tolerance
  • Integrating Scenario Analysis into Strategic Planning
  • Assessing the Financial Impact of Climate Change Risks
  • Reporting and Communicating Climate Risk Assessments


  • Understanding the Role of Internal Stakeholders in Climate Strategy
  • Engaging External Stakeholders
  • Making Data-Driven Decisions for Climate Risk Management
  • Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Climate Goals
  • Developing and Implementing Climate Strategies with Stakeholder Input
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Climate Risk Strategies
  • Addressing Stakeholder Concerns and Expectations


  • Identifying Greenwashing Tactics
  • Analysing the Impact of Greenwashing on Corporate Reputation
  • Strategies for Preventing and Combating Greenwashing
  • Implementing Transparent and Authentic Climate Communication
  • Developing Policies and Procedures to Mitigate Greenwashing Risks
  • Monitoring and Reviewing Greenwashing Risks and Responses
  • Ensuring Authenticity in Climate Claims and Reporting