Date Venue Fee
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
16 Jun - 20 Jun 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
07 Jul - 11 Jul 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

This 5-day interactive Best Practices in Maritime Incident Investigation training course is designed to provide delegates with a thorough understanding of the methodologies and procedures essential for effectively investigating maritime incidents, aiming to equip maritime professionals with the necessary skills to conduct comprehensive investigations, ensuring that they can identify root causes and contributory factors accurately. It highlights the importance of a systematic approach to incident investigation, highlighting the critical role of standard operating procedures, evidence collection, and data preservation. By focusing on these core principles, delegates will be prepared to handle the complexities of maritime incidents and contribute to improving overall safety within the maritime industry.

Delegates will benefit from an in-depth exploration of advanced investigative techniques, including the latest tools and technologies used in the field. It will cover human factors and organisational safety nuances, providing insights into how human error and safety culture impact incident outcomes. The environmental and technical aspects of maritime investigations are also addressed, ensuring that they understand the multifaceted nature of incidents and the various elements that must be considered. This comprehensive approach ensures that attendees are well-versed in all aspects of maritime incident investigation, from initial response to final reporting.

Furthermore, this training program underscores the importance of continuous improvement and international collaboration in maritime safety. By adopting best practices and maintaining high standards, maritime professionals can contribute to a safer and more resilient industry. It highlights the need for effective communication, transparency, and accountability throughout the investigation process. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and leveraging global resources, delegates can implement effective strategies and enhance their organisations' investigative capabilities. Anyone involved in maritime operations must provide valuable insights and practical skills to improve safety and prevent future incidents.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify and recall the standard operating procedures and legal regulations relevant to maritime incident investigations
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the investigation team and the importance of initial response protocols
  • Utilise advanced investigative techniques and digital tools to collect and analyse evidence effectively
  • Examine human factors and safety culture to determine their impact on maritime incidents
  • Assess environmental and technical aspects of incidents to identify root causes and contributory factors
  • Develop comprehensive incident investigation reports and effective communication strategies for stakeholders
  • Implement continuous improvement strategies and collaborate with international organisations to enhance investigation processes and outcomes
Training Approach

This training course will incorporate interactive lectures, hands-on workshops, and group discussions to engage delegates actively. Practical exercises and simulations will provide real-world context, allowing them to apply advanced investigative techniques and tools. Peer learning and collaboration will also be encouraged through case study analysis and role-playing scenarios to enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

The Attendees

This training course is tailored for maritime safety and incident management professionals, offering them the skills and knowledge necessary for effective investigation. Delegates include safety inspectors, marine surveyors, and legal advisors, all of whom ensure maritime safety and compliance.

It will be suitable for professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Maritime Safety Inspectors
  • Marine Surveyors
  • Incident Investigators
  • Port Authority Officials
  • Vessel Masters and Officers
  • Marine Engineers
  • Shipping Company Safety Managers
  • Insurance Adjusters
  • Legal Advisors in Maritime Law
  • Environmental Compliance Officers
Daily Discussion


  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Development
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Investigation Team
  • Initial Response Protocols
  • Evidence Collection and Preservation
  • Documentation and Reporting Standards
  • Stakeholder Communication and Coordination


  • Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques
  • Forensic Analysis in Maritime Contexts
  • Utilising Digital Tools and Technologies
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Identifying Root Causes and Contributory Factors
  • Incident Reconstruction Methodologies
  • Witness Management and Protection


  • Human Error Analysis
  • Assessing Safety Culture in Organisations
  • Human Factors Analysis and Classification
  • Crew Training and Competence Evaluation
  • Fatigue and Stress Management
  • Communication and Teamwork Dynamics
  • Safety Management System (SMS) Integration


  • Assessing Environmental Impact
  • Technical Failures and Mechanical Faults
  • Vessel Design and Construction Issues
  • Maintenance and Inspection Protocols
  • Cargo Handling and Storage Procedures
  • Navigational and Operational Errors
  • Weather and Environmental Conditions Analysis


  • Effective Reporting and Communication Strategies
  • Enhancing Investigator Training and Certification
  • Collaborating with International Organisations
  • Ensuring Transparency and Accountability
  • Monitoring and Reviewing Investigation Processes
  • Standardising Investigation Methodologies
  • Developing a Continuous Improvement Culture