XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
04 Aug - 08 Aug 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
08 Dec - 12 Dec 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

Your brand speaks volumes. Brands occupy a specific space in customers’ minds. They are essential to creating and capturing value and the capture and retention of loyal customers. In a world where Social Media is ubiquitous, Corporations and Company brands are also under the microscope. The effect of a brand (be it strong or weak) can significantly impact your business, which happens globally and often instantaneously. We all know that brands are important, so much so that they are now listed as assets in company accounts, but precisely what are they? How do we create them and use them to grow our businesses? Also, what about the intangible aspects of Brands? These days where so much business is done solely online and where internet technologies combine to commoditise even the proudest of brands, how can we ensure that we survive and thrive?

This Corporate Branding Masterclass training course has been designed ‘from the ground-up accessing case studies of success stories and Global best practices and will take delegates through a proven system and series of steps to help highlight, create and accentuate a brand throughout the organisation. Mixing tangible and intangible, real and virtual facets, your brands will be analysed, leveraged, and combined, working synergistically to achieve excellent results across multiple departments and business units.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand the True Meaning of Value, how it is created and destroyed
  • Understand how Brands affect Customer’s minds, Attitudes and Behaviours
  • Learn how to use Product/Service and Corporate Brands to create new and lasting value
  • Understand how to Brand your organisation online
  • Learn how to develop and execute Brand Plans and Strategies on and offline
  • Recognise how Vision, Values and Culture permeate every aspect of the brand
  • Understand what makes a ‘Brand’ different to a ‘Product’
  • Know the value is created and destroyed and the significance of brands in the process
  • Understand Customer segments and personas
  • Comprehend how to create and communicate compelling value propositions that support the brand
Training Approach

This training course is highly interactive and contains several workshop exercises, Group and solo work exercises, Brand Case study analyses and role-play activities, all supporting a series of lectures which are a mix of a slide presentation, video presentation and facilitated Q&A sessions.

The workshop will be experiential, and attendees will get free use of some software tools developed by the trainer to help create their brand strategies. We draw upon expert testimony and reputable sources (e.g. Harvard Business School, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, etc.) and fully referenced tools and exercises. As a consequence of this experiential approach, delegates leave the course fully equipped to manage their brand portfolios from the day.

The Attendees

There are a great many people who would benefit from taking this training. Principal amongst these would be.

However, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following

  • Marketing Executives
  • Board Members
  • Product Managers
  • Key Account Executives
  • Business Development Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • SME Business Owners
Daily Discussion

DAY ONE: Corporate Culture

  • Mission, Vision, & Values
  • Brand Architecture
  • Corporate Culture
  • Corporate Image
  • Market Positioning


  • Customer Segmentation
  • Customer Personas
  • Proposition Building
  • Proposition Value/Metrics
  • Cross-Business Proposition-Building exercise
  • Up and Cross-selling


  • Building an Audience-led Social Marketing Plan
  • Social Media Campaigns: Metrics & Outcomes
  • Cross-Business Social Media Campaign planning
  • Value Chains
  • Value Chain Management


  • Inside the Customer’s Mind
  • Customer Personality Types
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Heuristics & Habit
  • The Science of Persuasion


  • Selecting Accounts
  • Matching Propositions to Personas
  • Social & Online: What platforms, what voice?
  • Creating a Leveraged Online ‘Elevator pitch’
  • Metrics & Outcomes
  • Resourcing