Date | Venue | Fee | |
03 Mar - 07 Mar 2025 | Hong Kong | $ 5,950 | Register Now |
09 Jun - 13 Jun 2025 | Dubai – UAE | $ 4,950 | Register Now |
01 Sep - 05 Sep 2025 | Dubai – UAE | $ 4,950 | Register Now |
10 Nov - 14 Nov 2025 | Copenhagen - Denmark | $ 5,950 | Register Now |
About the Course
As the oil & gas industry shifts paradigms towards more complex fields after successfully exploiting and developing the relatively conventional "easy oil," effective exploration and production strategies for nanoDarcy and microDarcy unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs become the need of the hour. Unlike conventional oil & gas resources, unconventional resources, previously dismissed as uneconomic or unrecoverable, require new business models, techniques, technologies and workflow schemes to re-engineer the tight rock system and unlock the full unconventional reservoir potential.
This 5-day interactive Certificate of Practice in Unconventional Resources training course will highlight practical, innovative aspects of methodologies used to evaluate, drill, complete and produce the fine-grained, extremely low-permeability unconventional resources at commercial rates and favourable profit margins. Practices of upstream applications, integrated functions and operations are thoroughly discussed in this programme as applied to evaluating and developing unconventional hydrocarbon resources.
The delegates will engage in multiple business, engineering and technology practices, covering geoscientific aspects of unconventional resources, characterisation, exploration, development, laboratory methods and testing, drilling, geomechanics, geochemical methods, formation evaluation, design and monitoring of hydraulic fracturing, reserves and production forecasting and sustainability issues. Shale gas is often viewed as a "bridge" to a low-carbon future or low-fossil-fuel economy, which is an economy that has a minimal output of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the biosphere.
Core Objectives
The delegates will achieve the following objectives:
- Understand unconventional reservoir performance
- Apply data-based models for production analysis and forecast
- Apply effective modelling frameworks for quantitive analysis
- Compare alternatives from operational performance and economic perspectives
- Appreciate the role of emerging technology as applied to the unconventional industry
Training Approach
This training course will utilise various proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information and innovative methods presented, including presentation of theoretical concepts, team and individual exercises, case study analyses, educational videos and real-life applications. The delegates will also learn how to develop innovative strategies for unconventional resource development for an actual field and will be acquainted with operational and technological requirements design.
The Attendees
This training course is highly recommended for management, planning, operations, and engineering professionals.
Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:
- Energy Professionals
- Geoscientists
- Regulatory, Security, and Political Authorities
- Leaders in the Energy & Utilities Sector
- Technologists, Scientists, and Researchers
- Market and Business Analysts
- Project Management
- Professionals working in the Oil & Energy Business
Daily Discussion
- Rock Properties
- Geological Distribution
- Technical Constraints
- Technology Impact
- Business & Economics
- Petroleum Geochemistry
- Petroleum Geology
- Physical & Chemical Properties
- Rock Mechanics
- Fracture Imaging
- Directional Drilling Technology
- Drilling Operation Optimisation
- Well Completion Engineering
- Well Completion Technology
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Production Engineering Concepts
- Well Performance
- Data-based Models
- Advanced Process Control
- Realtime Production Optimisation
- Sources of Uncertainty
- Economic Sensitivity Analysis
- Bayesian Inference
- Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
- Decision Analysis and Framework
Course Enquiry
A XCalibre Professional Development Certification will be given to the delegates upon successful completion of this training course.