XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
23 Jun - 27 Jun 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
08 Sep - 12 Sep 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
17 Nov - 21 Nov 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

The rise of the Internet, price-comparison websites, Peer-review websites and especially Social Media has transformed the business environment globally. Traditional points of differentiation have been eroded by search, tap and click. Social Media and peer-review have combined to drive the customer experience as the primary arbiter of strategic differentiation. 

Consequently, the Customer Experience (Cx) is the last strategic Battleground. Organisations that deliver excellent Customer Experiences will thrive in this new world. Those that do not will see their businesses collapse as negative reviews go around the world with the click of a mouse.

To deliver world-class customer experiences, organisations need systems, tools, and procedures to understand their customers, what they truly value, and have an intimate understanding of every part of the customer’s journey. This Building World-Class Customer Experiences training course examines the latest science and management theories to give a proven approach to creating world-class customer experiences that will differentiate your offerings from all the rest.

Core Objectives

This training course sets itself some lofty goals, but goals which are essential in any transformative leader, namely:

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand the true nature of value, how it is created and how it is destroyed
  • Know the mind of your customer, understand how to be compelling and persuasive
  • Create a Brand which occupies an important position in the mind of the customer
  • Create and Communicate compelling, irresistible Value Propositions
  • Understand the Moments of Truth in the customer relationship and how to manage them for optimal results
  • Learn how to start, develop and maintain powerful customer relationships, from first contact to enduring commercial relationships
  • Learn how to develop and maintain a customer-centric culture that permeates through the entire value chain of the organisation
Training Approach

This Building World-Class Customer Experiences training course uses a variety of training inputs to appeal to all learning styles and types. Lectures, case study analyses, role-play exercises, training games, video inputs, facilitated discussion sessions, Q&A sessions, and some coursework. This mixture of inputs ensures speedy, facilitated learning and ample and quick opportunities to practice the new skills and embed them into your daily routines.

We carefully consider different learning styles and temperament styles in this training. In this way, the learning quickly becomes embedded into daily practice, and benefits can accrue from the start.

The Attendees

There are a great many people who would benefit from taking this training. Principal amongst these would be.

However, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Client Servicing Personnel
  • Customer Orientation Professionals
  • Department Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Customer Service Managers
  • Team Supervisors
  • Frontline Customer Service Representatives (CSR)
  • Account Managers
  • Field Service Representatives
Daily Discussion


  • Why does CX matter?
  • The True Meaning of Value
  • Mapping the Customer Experience
  • Moments of Truth
  • Managing the Customer Journey
  • Creating a successful Customer Experience Strategy
  • Executing your Customer Experience Strategy


  • Value is a Subjective, Personal Matter
  • Market Segmentation Strategies
  • Customer Personas
  • Customer Personality Typing
  • First Contact - Creating and Building Rapport


  • Relationship-Building Skills
  • How to Handle Difficult Customers Workshop?
  • Non-Verbal Communication Workshop
  • Customer Expectations Management
  • Active Listening and Forensic Questioning Skills


  • Consultative Communication Skills Workshop
  • Negotiation Skills Workshop
  • How the Customer Make Decisions Workshop?
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Creating Compelling Value Propositions
  • The Science of Persuasion


  • Creating a Customer-Centric Culture within your organisation
  • Shifting to a client and customer service-oriented culture
  • Creating a Customer Experience Mission statement and then getting buy-in throughout the Organisation
  • Changing your Culture Workshop
  • Exploring alternative methods of customer servicing
  • Drafting your Customer Experience Strategy