Date Venue Fee
26 Aug - 30 Aug 2024 Marrakesh - Morocco $ 5,950 Register Now
09 Sep - 13 Sep 2024 Amsterdam - The Netherlands $ 5,950 Register Now
25 Nov - 29 Nov 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
16 Dec - 20 Dec 2024 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
14 Apr - 18 Apr 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
26 May - 30 May 2025 Houston - USA $ 6,950 Register Now
07 Jul - 11 Jul 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
25 Aug - 29 Aug 2025 Marrakesh - Morocco $ 5,950 Register Now
08 Sep - 12 Sep 2025 Amsterdam - The Netherlands $ 5,950 Register Now
24 Nov - 28 Nov 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
15 Dec - 19 Dec 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
About the Course

This 5-day interactive Art of Negotiation training course is designed to tackle the complexities of negotiation processes and strategies, equipping delegates with the tools and techniques needed to achieve successful outcomes in various negotiation scenarios. It focuses on the psychological underpinnings of negotiation, exploring how understanding human behaviour and cognitive biases can significantly enhance one’s negotiating prowess. Delegates will learn to identify different negotiation styles and adapt their strategies accordingly, ensuring they can effectively navigate competitive and collaborative negotiation contexts.

Central to the training program is the emphasis on practical application, developing keen listening skills, articulating arguments clearly, and mastering the art of persuasion to influence outcomes favourably. It also covers advanced topics such as cross-cultural negotiations, where delegates will explore the impact of cultural differences on negotiation tactics and learn strategies for overcoming potential barriers. Furthermore, ethical considerations in negotiations are thoroughly examined to ensure delegates can maintain integrity and professionalism in all dealings. Integrating theoretical knowledge with real-world case studies and simulations aims to foster a deep understanding of negotiation dynamics, empowering delegates to become adept negotiators who can confidently secure advantageous agreements in their professional and personal lives.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Evaluate various negotiation strategies and tactics to determine their effectiveness in diverse scenarios
  • Synthesize knowledge of human behavior and psychological principles to enhance negotiation outcomes
  • Create innovative solutions to complex negotiation challenges, incorporating ethical considerations
  • Formulate adaptive negotiation strategies that account for cultural differences and communication barriers
  • Critique negotiation outcomes to identify lessons learned and opportunities for improvement
  • Design comprehensive negotiation plans that align with organisational goals and ethical standards
Training Approach

The training course is structured around a dynamic and interactive pedagogical approach, incorporating a mix of interactive sessions, case study analyses, and practical exercises tailored to engage delegates actively and foster a deep understanding of the subject matter. They are encouraged to share their insights and experiences through interactive sessions, facilitating a rich exchange of knowledge and perspectives.

Case study analyses provide real-world context, allowing delegates to explore complex scenarios and apply theoretical concepts in practical settings. Practical exercises reinforce learning outcomes, directly enabling them to apply new skills and tools to realistic situations. This comprehensive method ensures a balanced mix of theory and practice, enhancing delegates’ learning experience and preparing them to implement their newfound knowledge effectively in their professional roles.

The Attendees

This training course is specifically tailored for professionals across various sectors who seek to strengthen their negotiation capabilities. It is ideal for individuals directly involved in negotiation processes, whether in sales, procurement, human resources, legal affairs, or project management.

Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Sales Managers and Executives
  • Corporate Negotiators and Deal Makers
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals
  • Human Resources Managers
  • Project Managers and Team Leaders
  • Legal Professionals and Corporate Lawyers
Daily Discussion


  • Principles and Theories of Negotiation
  • Types of Negotiations: Distributive vs Integrative
  • The Role of Power, Interests, and Rights in Negotiation
  • Psychological Underpinnings of Negotiation Behavior
  • Communication Skills Essential for Effective Negotiation
  • Identifying and Adapting to Different Negotiation Styles
  • The Importance of Preparation and Setting Objectives


  • Strategic Planning for Negotiation Success
  • Advanced Tactics in Negotiation: Persuasion and Influence Techniques
  • Handling Objections and Overcoming Impasses
  • The Use of Leverage and Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
  • Negotiating in High-Stakes Situations
  • Ethical Considerations in Negotiation Tactics
  • Scenario Analysis and Adaptation Strategies


  • Cross-Cultural Negotiation: Understanding Cultural Dimensions
  • Communication Strategies for Cross-Cultural Negotiations
  • Building Trust and Rapport Across Cultures
  • Managing Conflicts and Sensitivities in International Negotiations
  • Strategies for Overcoming Language Barriers and Misunderstandings
  • Successful International Negotiation
  • Adapting Negotiation Strategies to Global Trends and Digital Transformation


  • Multi-Party Negotiations: Strategies and Challenges
  • Negotiation within Teams: Dynamics and Resolution Techniques
  • Conflict Resolution Skills for Negotiators
  • The Role of Mediation and Facilitation in Resolving Disputes
  • Emotional Intelligence in Managing Negotiation Conflicts
  • Techniques for Closing and Securing Agreements
  • Analysing Failed Negotiations for Continuous Improvement


  • Negotiating Contracts: Terms, Clauses, and Agreements
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Negotiations
  • Personal Branding and Reputation Management in Negotiation
  • Developing a Personal Negotiation Style and Strategy
  • Crafting a Personal Action Plan for Negotiation Mastery
  • Leveraging Social Media and Digital Platforms in Negotiations
  • Personal and Peer Review for Continuous Improvement