XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
02 Jun - 06 Jun 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
30 Jun - 04 Jul 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
18 Aug - 22 Aug 2025 Paris - France $ 5,950 Register Now
22 Sep - 26 Sep 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
13 Oct - 17 Oct 2025 Amsterdam - The Netherlands $ 5,950 Register Now
10 Nov - 14 Nov 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
22 Dec - 26 Dec 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

Modern day leaders face a multitude of challenges – working with change, stakeholder engagement, inspiring and motivating their people, creating a high performance culture, making decisions, building their influence, communicating effectively, and many more. Leaders must embrace a fundamental approach that helps them meet these challenges and be highly successful in their roles. Leading with purpose is a powerful approach that helps leaders lead authentically, engage people, and lead with a more significant impact. 

Having said that, many leaders need more clarity on how to lead with purpose. This prevents them from effectively engaging their people and aligning them on key initiatives. Cracks start appearing in the team's working relationships with stakeholders, and there needs to be a guiding light in the face of crisis and setbacks. The decision-making process appears uncertain, and their credibility is negatively impacted. 

This 5-day interactive Leading with Purpose training course empowers delegates to lead authentically and with impact by connecting with their purpose. It also helps delegates develop key skills that enable them to create alignment between key stakeholders, engage and inspire people, enhance their communication, and create a high performance culture.

Core Objectives

As a result of attending this training course, delegates will be able to:

  • Identify and connect with their purpose for key initiatives
  • Communicate the purpose and vision with others in a coherent manner
  • Create greater alignment with key stakeholders on key initiatives
  • Navigate through change and disruption in a more assured manner
  • Engage, inspire, and empower their people for peak performance
  • Make decisions confidently that are in alignment with their values
  • Boost their credibility as a high impact leader
Training Approach

Apart from delivering engaging content, this training course will also share real-life examples, case studies and interactive exercises that help delegates bring their learning to life and appreciate how they can apply their learnings. The exercises will be a combination of group exercises as well as individual activities, which would be great for collective as well as individual learning. There will also be an opportunity to reflect on the learnings so far, and the delegates will be provided additional resources that they can take away for future reference.

The Attendees

The training course will be a great addition to any team currently leading or aspiring to lead it in the future.

Specifically, this will be highly beneficial to (but not limited to) the following roles:

  • Project Managers
  • Delivery Managers
  • Senior Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Area Managers
  • HR Managers
  • Customer Support Managers
  • People who are new to leadership roles
Daily Discussion


  • The Power of Purpose and Why Leaders should Embrace It
  • The Neuroscience of Leading with Purpose
  • Defining Personal and Organisational Purpose
  • The Relevance of Purpose for High Impact Leadership
  • Busting Common Myths about Leading with Purpose
  • Clarifying the Big Picture: Aligning Your Vision and Purpose
  • Building Blocks for Purposeful Leadership


  • The Relevance of Values with Purposeful Leadership
  • Identifying Your Core Values
  • Integrating Values with Your Decision Making
  • Aligning Personal Values with Organisational Values
  • Building Trust and Rapport through Values
  • Attracting and Managing Talent through Leading with Values
  • Creating a Values-based Culture for Your Team


  • The Relevance of Communicating Your Purpose Effectively
  • Building Your Influence through Purpose
  • Creating Alignment with Purpose across Key Stakeholders
  • Leveraging the Power of Purpose in Performance Management
  • Managing Change and Uncertainty through Purpose
  • How you can Overcome Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Strategies and Best Practices for Communicating Your Purpose


  • The Link Between Purpose and High Impact Leadership
  • Engaging Your People through Purpose
  • Building Trust and Autonomy within Your Team
  • Incorporating Servant Leadership to Create a Culture of Belonging, Significance, and Collaboration
  • Creating a Customer-centric Culture through Purpose
  • How you can identify growth opportunities for People through Purpose
  • Creating a Feedback Culture that Supports Positive Interactions within People


  • Discover the Mindset of Purposeful Leadership
  • Building your Resilience through Purpose
  • How to Enable Others to Lead with Purpose
  • Understand How Purposeful Leadership Influences Multiple Aspects of Work
  • What systems can you setup that sustains Purposeful Leadership
  • Create a Roadmap for Leading with Purpose
  • What does Leading with Purpose Look Like?