XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
25 Nov - 29 Nov 2024 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
07 Jul - 11 Jul 2025 Barcelona - Spain $ 5,950 Register Now
06 Oct - 10 Oct 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
24 Nov - 28 Nov 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
About the Course

Great performance and thriving at work are not reserved for a select few; everyone has the potential to excel once they have the right leader, a leader who can inspire trust, empower their teams, and create meaningful relationships with those they lead.

Leadership is not about title or position; it’s about understanding yourself, connecting with others, and bringing out the best in those you lead. Therefore, anyone can learn to be a leader if they are open to exploring these aspects and identifying what strategies they need to become the leader they want and need to be.

This 5-day immersive Leading Others training course is designed to equip current and aspiring leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to harness what they already have and turn it into exceptional leadership. The course will help develop the leadership mindset and allow the delegates to create strategies to become truly effective and authentic in their leadership style.

One of the unique aspects of this training program is that the delegates will be able to use their real-life examples and scenarios to understand how they want to lead differently, taking away a clear vision of what leadership means to them. They will gain the confidence to lead with integrity, staying true to their core values while also adapting to meet the diverse needs of their teams.

Core Objectives

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify their purpose and strengths as a leader
  • Understand how to maintain authenticity in their leadership
  • Implement practices for effective communication and conversation
  • Engage, inspire, and empower their people for high performance
  • Enhance their skills for leading teams
  • Develop an action plan for sustaining leadership
  • Boost their credibility as a high impact leader
Training Approach

This training course uses various learning techniques that will encourage all delegates to commit to their personal growth. Using hands-on exercises, case studies, group discussions, self-reflection, and expert guidance from our facilitators, the delegates will explore their skills and areas for development. By using these various methods, delegates will remain engaged and invested in their own program outcomes.

Delegates will have the opportunity to practice and enhance their skills, be able to challenge and be challenged to find their ultimate leadership vision and put together a plan for delivery back in the workplace.

The Attendees

This training course explains leadership and the skills necessary to lead teams effectively. It is ideal for professionals at any stage of their leadership journey.

Likewise, it will be valuable to the professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Professionals Who Lead Teams
  • Individuals aspiring to Leadership and/or Management roles
  • Those with Leadership and Managerial potential
  • Those who desire increased leadership skills
  • Those who wish to make a change to the way they lead
Daily Discussion


  • Leadership vs Management and the Relevance to Your Role
  • Identifying Relevant Skills for Effective Leadership
  • Exploring the Importance of Emotional Intelligence
  • Developing greater self-awareness and a personal SWOT
  • Creating a Clear and Inspiring Vision for Your Personal Leadership Journey


  • Understanding Personality and Its Impact on Connections
  • Recognising the Influence of Confirmation Bias
  • Building Trust with Others
  • Identifying your Core Values and Motivations
  • Applying Adair’s Action-Centered Leadership Model


  • Empowering High Performance from Others
  • Understanding Situational Leadership and Its Application
  • Managing Challenging Discussions
  • Effective Feedback Practices
  • Understanding and Meeting Individual Needs


  • The Composition and Skills of Great Teams
  • Leading through Change
  • Communicating for Impact
  • The Push and Pull Methods of Influence
  • Problem Solving as a Team


  • Maintaining Resilience in the Face of Challenges
  • Developing a Coaching Style to Empower Others
  • How to Enable Others to Lead
  • Creating an Action Plan for Applying Back in Your Role
  • Next Steps