XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
17 Feb - 21 Feb 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
16 Jun - 20 Jun 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
08 Sep - 12 Sep 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
03 Nov - 07 Nov 2025 Copenhagen - Denmark $ 5,950 Register Now
About the Course

Over the last 50 years, globalisation has led to a more interconnected and interdependent way of doing business, and organisations had to expand their cultural horizons as a result. Recognising and understanding that people in different parts of the world behave differently, that they value different things and hold different beliefs, is vital. However, acting in line with this recognition presents an entirely different challenge, and misunderstandings arising from not meeting it have impacted the results leaders and managers achieve with their teams, colleagues in other countries, and international clients.

This 5-day interactive Intercultural Management training course is designed to help managers understand the hidden dynamics that affect how people from different cultures think, feel, and behave. It will enable them to gain a more evident vantage point - one from which they can anticipate the impact their managerial style has on team members, colleagues, or clients from different cultures, and one that enables them to adapt their style to achieve the outcome they want. The delegates will leave this training course with the skills to manage people in a way that lessens conflict and misunderstandings and increases collaboration, engagement, and positive business results.

Core Objectives

Delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Discover the hidden cultural values that drive behaviour
  • Learn how to communicate effectively in different cultural contexts
  • De-code misunderstandings before they escalate into conflicts
  • Utilise the six cultural dimensions to connect with international colleagues
  • Use the ‘culture map’ to lead cross-cultural teams
  • Build outstanding relationships with clients around the world
Training Approach

This training course is driven by a blended learning approach. It draws on various adult learning techniques such as action learning, experiential exercises, group discussions, video case studies, role play, and self-reflection activities. The resulting variety helps delegates stay engaged throughout the course, feel challenged, and draw quick wins for their development. It also ensures delegates are exposed to ample opportunities to apply what they learn to the real-world challenges they face back in the workplace.

The Attendees

This training course is suitable for anyone who has to engage with people from other cultures, including team members, colleagues, superiors, or clients.

This training course will be valuable to professionals, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • International Managers
  • Expatriate Managers, Supervisors, or Team Leaders
  • Leaders who regularly embark on business trips to other countries
  • Managers and Team Leaders with team members from different cultures
  • Client Relationship Managers who dealt with international clients
  • Anyone with a need to learn about Cross-cultural Management
Daily Discussion


  • The power of cultural conditioning
  • How we got to where we are - a brief history of globalisation?
  • Understanding ourselves about culture
  • Leadership Self-awareness
  • Generating awareness to avoid cultural ‘pitfalls’


  • An Overview: The work of Geert Hofstede
  • The concept of power distance and what it means for leading others
  • Individualism and Collectivism approaches at Work
  • The impact of Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Masculine vs Feminine Cultures
  • Planning with Long Term and Short Term Orientation


  • The ‘Cultural Map’ I
  • Communicating in different Cultural Contexts
  • Giving Culturally Aligned Feedback
  • Egalitarian vs Hierarchical Management Styles
  • Consensual vs Top-down Decision Making


  • The ‘Cultural Map’ II
  • Generating trust among different cultures
  • Handling Conflicts and Disagreements
  • Linear and Flexible Time-keeping
  • Principles-based vs Application-first Reasoning and Persuading


  • The Culture Triangle: Understanding the Lewis Model
  • Multiculturalism in the Workplace
  • Life beyond your own Culture: Doing business in other Countries
  • Cross-cultural ‘Business Etiquette’ and the Travelling Manager
  • Next Steps