Date Venue Fee
01 Jul - 05 Jul 2024 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
07 Oct - 11 Oct 2024 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
30 Dec - 03 Jan 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
About the Course

This 5-day Building Emotional Resilience training course is an immersive journey into understanding, cultivating, and applying the power of emotional resilience for personal and professional growth. Unlike traditional programs that solely focus on theoretical concepts, it stands out by offering a hands-on approach that emphasizes practical exercises, interactive discussions, and personalised guidance.

What sets this training program apart is its holistic approach to emotional resilience. Delegates learn about the importance of resilience and dive deep into the factors that influence it, such as mindset, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and effective emotion management. Through a series of engaging activities and self-assessments, they will gain valuable insights into their resilience levels and identify areas for improvement.

One of the unique aspects is its emphasis on mindfulness as a foundational tool for building resilience. Delegates explore mindfulness techniques that help them stay present, manage stress, and cultivate a positive outlook even in challenging situations. Integrating mindfulness practices with resilience training equips delegates with a powerful toolkit for navigating life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Moreover, it incorporates role-playing scenarios and communication skills exercises that allow delegates to have the opportunity to practice resilience-building strategies in a safe and supportive environment, receive feedback, and refine their skills for maximum effectiveness.

Core Objectives

Upon completion of this training course, delegates will be equipped with essential skills and strategies for building and sustaining emotional resilience.

Delegates will accomplish the following objectives:

  • Identify and analyse factors contributing to emotional resilience using critical thinking skills
  • Apply self-assessment techniques to evaluate personal levels of emotional resilience and areas for improvement
  • Develop effective emotion regulation strategies through active experimentation and practice
  • Utilise mindfulness techniques to enhance self-awareness and promote resilience in challenging situations
  • Demonstrate effective communication and conflict resolution skills for building positive relationships and support networks
  • Employ reflective practices to monitor progress, adapt resilience strategies, and maintain a resilient mindset over time
Training Approach

This training course adopts a blended learning methodology rooted in adult learning principles, integrating various techniques, including lectures, video presentations, facilitated workshop exercises, case studies, self-reflection, and group discussion. By utilising diverse methods, engagement levels are heightened as delegates actively engage in activities and contemplate their actions. Moreover, it fosters self-assurance and encourages individuals to step beyond their comfort zones to articulate their perspectives, opinions, and conclusions on specific subjects. Lastly, this blended approach facilitates immediate feedback and enhancement opportunities while stimulating creativity and innovation.

The Attendees

This training course is designed for professionals across various industries who seek to enhance their ability to navigate challenges, build resilience, and thrive in their personal and professional lives. Professionals will benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that equips them with practical tools and strategies to manage stress, regulate emotions, and foster positive relationships. 

Likewise, it will be valuable to professionals but not limited to the following:

  • Human Resources (HR) Managers and Professionals
  • Project Managers and Team Leaders
  • Engineers and Technical Professionals
  • Healthcare and Mental Health Practitioners
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals
  • Nonprofit and Community Leaders
  • Financial Services and Banking Professionals
  • IT and Technology Specialists
Daily Discussion


  • Introduction to Emotional Resilience
  • Importance and Benefits of Emotional Resilience
  • Factors Influencing Emotional Resilience
  • Resilience vs Vulnerability
  • Developing a Resilience Mindset


  • Definition and Significance of Self-Awareness
  • Techniques for Improving Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence and Resilience
  • Self-Reflection Exercises
  • Personal Values and Beliefs Impacting Resilience


  • Understanding Emotions and Their Impact
  • Strategies for Regulating Emotions
  • Mindfulness Practices for Emotional Regulation
  • Breathwork and Relaxation Techniques
  • Cognitive Restructuring for Positive Thinking


  • Importance of Social Support in Resilience
  • Communication Skills for Building Relationships
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Empathy and Compassion Building
  • Boundaries and Assertiveness in Relationships


  • Review of Key Concepts and Techniques
  • Creating a Personal Resilience Plan
  • Role-Playing Scenarios for Applying Resilience Skills
  • Feedback and Reflection Sessions
  • Action Steps and Continued Growth Plan