XCalibre Loader
Date Venue Fee
14 Jul - 18 Jul 2025 Dubai – UAE $ 4,950 Register Now
15 Sep - 19 Sep 2025 London - UK $ 5,950 Register Now
24 Nov - 28 Nov 2025 Barcelona - Spain $ 5,950 Register Now
About the Course

This 5-day interactive ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design Code training course covers the most commonly used code in the B31 series. It covers the design of chemical and petroleum plants and refineries processing chemicals and hydrocarbons, water, and steam. This code prescribes the requirements for materials and components, design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of piping.

The primary function of the ASME B31.3 code is to guarantee the safety of construction, commissioning, and operating personnel during the most critical periods of a plant’s life. The various ASME design codes listed were introduced starting at the turn of the century after a series of disasters that caused loss of life and major damage to facilities. The scope of the Code is new piping; it does not include repair. However, API 570 (Piping In-service Inspection Code) refers to the [rules] of the original construction code for repairing the piping systems.

If you are a specialist piping engineer, then there are sectors of this code you will rarely, if ever, use. Even so, knowing the information and who will use it is important. It is optional to memorise the text and data. Still, it is very important to know what information is held within the pages of code and be able to access and interpret it accurately.

Core Objectives

This training course will enable delegates to understand the requirements of the American Process Piping Design Code according to the latest edition.

The delegates will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand the welding preparation requirements and the need for preheat and PWHT
  • Know the welding procedures qualifications and welders’ qualification requirements
  • Calculate the required minimum pipe wall thickness under internal stress
  • Recognise the materials requirements and limitations
  • Gain practical information about the construction and assembly of process piping
  • Identify the required NDE extent and pressure testing of piping
Training Approach

This training course will combine presentations with instructor-guided interactive discussions between delegates about their interests. Practical exercises, video material and case studies to stimulate these discussions and provide maximum benefit to them that will support the formal presentation sessions.

The Attendees

This training course is designed to increase knowledge in piping in general and process piping in specific. It provides the delegates with working knowledge of the design philosophy and engineering practices employed in the design, fabrication and, erection & commissioning requirements of process piping.

This training course will be valuable to professionals, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Asset Integrity Engineers
  • Piping Engineers & Inspectors
  • NDT Engineers & Technicians
  • Fresh Graduated Mechanical Engineers
  • Corrosion Engineers
  • Inspection Engineers & Inspectors
  • Welding Engineers
Daily Discussion


  • Piping Codes and Standards
  • Standards for Piping Components
  • Pipe Flanges and Fittings
  • ASME B 31.3 Scope and Applicability
  • Service/Fluid Classification and Definitions
  • Design Philosophy of B31.3
  • Joint Quality Factors and Increased Quality factors
  • Allowable Stresses
  • Design for Internal Pressure
  • Design of Permanent Blanks


  • Flexibility Considerations
  • Materials Review
  • Common Piping Materials
  • Listed, Unlisted Materials
  • Temperature Limitations
  • Impact Testing for Low-temperature Service
  • Acceptance Criteria for Impact Testing


  • Weld Edge Prep and Fit-up Tolerances
  • Welding Procedures and Qualification Testing
  • Welder Qualification
  • Weld Size for Attachment Welds at Openings
  • Socket Welds and Seal Welds
  • Permitted Weld Reinforcements
  • Preheat Temperature
  • Post Weld Heat Treatment


  • NDE Procedures and Requirements
  • NDE Personnel Qualifications
  • Penalty (Tracer) Welds after Rejection
  • Visual Inspection and RT Acceptance Criteria
  • MT & PT Acceptance Criteria
  • UT Acceptance Criteria
  • The Extent of the NDE Examination


  • Leak Testing-Hydrostatic
  • Hydrostatic Test Pressure Calculation
  • Leak Testing-Pneumatic
  • Pneumatic Test Pressure Calculation
  • Pressure Gauge Requirements
  • NDT in Lieu of Leak Test